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Peace Pole Dedication in Memory of Dorothy Green

Join us on Sunday, 6/18, for the dedication of Grace Church's garden peace pole in memory of Dorothy M. Green (1947-2016) by the Right Rev. William H. Stokes, Bishop of New Jersey on Sunday, 6/18, 4 p.m. Pemberton Schools Superintendant Tony Trongone will be among the honored guests.

Dorothy Green was one of the saints of Grace Church and greatly beloved by all who knew her, including the many children she served as a church school teacher and as a bus driver (#66) for the Pemberton School District for many years.

A reception will follow hosted by church members.

The Grace Church Choir will offer two anthems. We invite children of our community who would like to join in the musical offering to come at 3:45 p.m. to rehearse with Catherine Sabin.

A Peace Pole is a hand-crafted monument that displays the message and prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in various languages. The Grace Church pole has languages selected by Dorothy's family: English, Japanese, Gaelic/Irish, German, Latin, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, and brailleThere are tens of thousands of Peace Poles in 180 countries all over the world dedicated as monuments to peace. They serve as constant reminders for us to visualize and pray for world peace. Further

Grace Church would appreciate an R.S.V.P. if you will attend: by phone: (609)894-8001 or email:

Later Event: July 24
Vacation Bible School