Palm Sunday, 4/9: Holy Eucharist, 8am & 9:30am; Church School&Youth discussion 9:30am
Maundy Thursday, 4/13: Agape Meal & Eucharist, 6:30pm, followed by stripping of the alter
Outdoor Stations of the Cross, 9:30pm
Overnight Vigil in Garden of Repose, 10pm-8am
Good Friday, 4/14: Morning Prayer, 8am; Solemn Liturgy (and Eucharist), 7pm
Holy Saturday, 4/15: Great Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter, 7pm
Easter Sunday, 4/16: Holy Eucharist
Sunrise Service, 6:10am Green Chapel
Holy Eucharist, 8am and 9:30am
Greening of the Cross & Easter Photos for Children at 9:30am service
Easter Egg Hunt for children follows 9:30am service